The work engages with quotidian materials and spaces, often working within an interdisciplinary capacity with emphasis on drawing as an attitude rather than drawing as a medium. The work acknowledges the increasing cross-exchange of cultural heritage and social structures of globalisation.
Boukla frequently adopts techniques used in cartography and map-making as a way of referencing cultural and sociological differences and how a ‘generic migration’ is beginning to blur our geographic and cultural boarders.
The pages were from Homer’s the Odyssey, the tale of Ul- ysses’ wanderings. Beginning with the page where the story first starts, each page was read and then folded into a paper boat. These boats were then launched onto the river running through Meanwood Park, Leeds, both ending and in a sense, starting this project.
About the Artist
Eirini Boukla was born in 1967 in Korinos-Pierias, Greece. She completed her Doctors in Fine Arts in 2013 at University of Leeds, and her Masters in drawing in 2006 at the Camberwell College of Arts, London. Since 2004, she has been living and working in Leeds, and has exhibited regularly both nationally, and internationally.