The Anton Gautama Professional Development Scholarship seeks to play a role in shaping the photography community in Southeast Asia. With the scholarship, DECK & SIPF aims to lower the barrier of entry for photographers and artists to engage in professional development in terms of portfolio review and masterclasses. Through these programmes, DECK & SIPF hopes to encourage Southeast Asian photographers to make continued strides towards charting their photographic careers and presenting their works to a global audience.

For the 9th SIPF, the scholarship will subsidise majority of the programme fees directly related to Portfolio Review and selected Professional Development Programmes (i.e. Masterclasses & Seminars) for successful applicants of South-East Asian descent.

The Anton Gautama Professional Development Scholarship is made possible with the generous patronage of Stephen Gunawan, Lisa Gautama and the Gautama Family, created in loving memory of the late documentary photographer, Anton Gautama, who believed that the pursuit of a photographic practice requires an open mind for critique and continued learning to shape one’s photographic voice.


Apply for Scholarship

To apply for the Anton Gautama Professional Development Scholarship, fill out this electronic form. SIPF aims to inform you about your application outcome within seven (7) working days.



  • The scholarship is open to all applicants of a South-East Asian descent only.
  • Applicants at any stage of their professional development are welcome to apply. You do not need to be a full-time practicing photographer or artist to be eligible for this award.
  • Priority will be given to first-time applicants who have not previously received this award. Previous recipients of this award are the most welcomed to apply again.


Scholarship Coverage

There are two grants available: (1) Portfolio Review Grant, and (2) Programme Grant. Prospective applicants may choose to apply for more than one grant. SIPF reserves the rights to award the scholarship in part or in full at its own discretion.

Portfolio Review Grant
  • This grant subsides up to 80% of programme fees directly related to the 9th SIPF Asia Meet: Portfolio Reviews.
  • Award recipients are expected to attend all Portfolio Review sessions and complete the Post-Programme Survey. Failure to attend all sessions may impact eligibility for future subsidies.
  • This grant is limited to 18 recipients.
Number of Reviews
Grant Subsidy
Amount Payable for Award Recipients


Programme Grant
  • This grant subsidises up to SGD380 of programme fees directly related to eligible 9th SIPF Masterclasses & Seminars
  • Award recipients are expected to attend all selected Programmes and complete the Post-Programme Survey. Failure to attend all sessions may impact eligibility for future subsidies.
  • This grant is limited to 12 recipients.
  • Note: We are still in the midst of populating our Masterclasses & Seminars, please do kindly bear with us. You may wish to submit your application for consideration for the Portfolio Review grant first & apply again once the Masterclasses & Seminars have been published. We covet your understanding & apologise for any inconvenience in advance.


Scholarship Application & Award Process


Application Process
  • To apply for the Anton Gautama Professional Development Scholarship, kindly fill up this electronic form. There will be a simple questionnaire for you to fill up as part of the application process.
  • Due to the limited number of available spaces for this scholarship, we highly recommend applying as soon as possible.
  • Prospective Applicants may choose to apply for more than one area of coverage (i.e. you may choose to apply for the portfolio review grant and the programme grant). SIPF reserves the rights to award the scholarship in part or in full at its own discretion.
  • The scholarship subsidies cannot be combined with any other discounts or concessionary rate that are currently available on the programme fee. The subsidy is based on the full ticket value of the programme.


Award Process
  • All applicants will be notified via email regarding the status of their scholarship application.
  • Successful recipients are required to fully commit to and participate in all sessions of the programmes they have selected.
  • Scholarship recipients are also expected to complete a post-programme evaluation form.
  • Failure to attend all sessions of the programmes for which the subsidy has been received may affect eligibility for future subsidies.



If you have a question or face trouble accessing the form, please feel free to reach out to the Programmes team at