In Search of the Father by Camille Lévêque illustrates five years of research around the father figure. She asks what our fathers, symbols of virility, strength and stability represent for us in contrast to oppressors, abusive, authoritarians? And its role does it finds an echo in our societies and has that role changed?
Lévêque presents questions while implying diverse interpretations through the use of satirical, tender or off the wall images. There is no judgment and set interpretation. Shaping the different faces of the father, sometimes as a troubling oppressor or a reassuring protector while brutally showing its absence.
She brings her research to representation of the father in the media and also considers others such as the single mothers or homosexual parents. She questions the impact of the paternal figure on children, especially daughters, with her chapter Daddy Issues.
About the Artist
Camille Lévêque is a freelance photographer from Paris. She graduated with a degree in Fine Arts and Literature. Lévêque explores intimacy and builds narratives blending documentary with an artistic approach. Her work considers relationships, matters of identity and origins—often-using family as the cornerstone of analysis. She aims to illuminate the idea of memory through its impact, limits and fading.
Lévêque uses photography as a statement or to deceive while pushing the medium. Influenced by her own family archive, she mixes various eras of photography to spark discussion. Origins are the predominant topic of her work research and her practice illustrates encounters between various influences and the way past influences the present and shapes the future.
International Portfolio Showcase
National Library Plaza
05 Oct—30 Oct
Free admission