At first glance, Alina Kisina’s photographic series City of Home might seem merely aimed at capturing the daily life of her hometown of Kiev, Ukraine.
Yet these strangely evocative photographs are in fact less concerned with documentary impressions than with opening up the realms above and beyond the mundane images that define the surface of her work. The subway steps, skylines, façades, and factory lots depicted, resonate with an order that seems not of this world. The pictures — often quite literally — reflect environments that seem to exist side-by-side with or beyond the mere material givens of the everyday subject matter. Although superficially static, the serene, perfectly composed photographs actively lead us into sentiments that are uplifting and light. They let us transcend the materiality of everyday existence to enter into planes of experience heretofore unknown.

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About the Artist
Alina Kisina (UK, b.1983) is a Ukrainian photographer based in London. She regularly returns to her native land to take pictures that use a mixture of abstraction and representation suggesting a reality beyond that of the things actually shown. Her work from her exhibition
“Zerkalo|Mirror” was featured in “Thinking in Unity after Postmodernism” — an international conference
on innovative approaches to aesthetics, literature and film at the University of Munich in 2010. Her solo show, City of Home was exhibited at Street Level Photoworks in Glasgow in 2011. Works from this series is part of the Format 2011 international photography festival
in Derby and will be featured in Aleppo International 11th Photography Festival (Syria) and the Chernihiv PhotoFest (Ukraine) in 2012.