My work is about documenting stories of marginalised people living through hardship lives and pursuing their struggle. Through photographic documentaries I portray difficult situations that permanently mark lives of ordinary people in deprived societies.
During last two years, I have worked on series of photographs depicting statelessness in Bangladesh, Myanmar and India. Some 10 million people worldwide have no nationality and most of these people are stateless by no fault of their own. Not having a nationality usually occurs because of discrimination against certain groups.
Rohingyas are described by the International human right organisations and the United Nations as one of, if not, the most persecuted of minorities in the world.
Biharis live in urban refugee camps that became slums, densely populated and with inadequate basic life conditions.
Prospects for education, employment, basic human rights, such as housing and access to medical facilities, and hope for dignified life are therefore practically inexistent and impossible for the stateless.
I have taken on the responsibility to make my images eloquent and, by having a drive to bring closer these bigger human ideas through cornerstone of visual memory, I trust I can contribute to my own, public audience’s and festival’s growth and principles.