I would like to express love through work. Because I think everything in society is based on love. Everyone loves their family and lover. But I think that it is important whether or not it is directed around them. Where it is not pointed out, is it sometimes a disparity and a fight? And maybe that only love has the power to make all things be one beyond race and disparity? So we should spread the consciousness of love to the outside and spread the link of love to various parts beyond various communities. Based on that idea, I started a project to vacuum pack the couple and all its surroundings with the landscape. Not only the couples but also all the surroundings were vacuum packed and eventually the entire landscape vacuum packed to create an image where everything in the world becomes one. The shooting location is the most important place for them. The things lovers become one, and the world becomes one. I think it is an ideal form of love. To participate in this shooting it is necessary to have death and side love and preparedness to death, and the side to shoot also needs to be prepared for it. To make a commemorative photo of the best for them.

Corona viruses are a going to change the way we interact with the environment and society. My work will be a big message for society in this regard. I hope to be able to continue this project by getting this award.

About the Artist

Bathtubs, couples, love and challenge are strong themes throughout this artist’s work with other key elements including individuality, style, communication and intimacy. Photographer Hal brings complete strangers to his confined, crucible like spaces only to convey his continuing theme of ‘love of the couple’. The initial title Pinky & Killer used a small space or room to capture the willing couples, soon followed by the title Couple Jam which brought the focus even closer to the subjects who were placed in a bathtub together. “I am currently seeking new dimensions in portrait photography by challenging the majestic theme of mankind, defined through love.” Photographer Hal’s latest project is called Flesh Love All, which captures not only the couples but also all the surroundings in vacuum sealed package to create an image where everything in the world becomes one. The photographic location is the most important place for them.