
Happy Valley
In this long, tunnel-like walkway, solitude and gatherings, selfies and remnants, unspoken words, and reflections converge, revealing an uncanny yet…

Garden City: Remix Edition
“Garden City” is a collaborative project by DECK and ArtSpace LUMOS that highlights contemporary voices from Singapore and South Korea….

Archival Allergies: Personal Remedies for Colonial Archives
The history of photography is deeply entwined with the history of colonial expansion and exploitation. Cameras were not merely tools…

Seeing the Invisible
Known for his performances in painting himself to blend into various backgrounds, Liu Bolin challenges our perceptions of visibility and…

In the 2000s, De Middel discovered a Zambian space programme led by Edward Makuka Nkoloso, aiming to send the first…

Fragments of an Unknown Space
In early 2024, five artists—Robert, Chun Aik, Lewis, Arrvin, and Xiaocong—were invited to delve into the enigmatic history of 116…

Keeping the Dream
Keeping the Dream delves into the intersection of identity, photography, and political surveillance. In the development of this new body…